Archive by Author | Jacob Ricker

Why to Have Hope!

There are times in our lives that we face things that seem overwhelming and too difficult for us to handle. We face trying times where we feel like we are trapped between a rock and a hard place with no way out. There are circumstances in our lives where we just want to throw up our hands and give up! It is during these times that we begin losing hope. We believe there is nothing that can be done to help us during these devastating times. But the truth is, Read More…

3 Powerful Word!

Words are powerful. More powerful than most people like to admit. Scripture teaches that the tongue has the power to bring life or death. (Proverbs 18:21) That one verse is ever true in my own life. Our words have the power to either build someone up or tear them down. Read More…

The Struggle is Real… So is the Solution!


Here lately I have seen the phrase “the struggle is real” a lot on social media and the truth is, struggles are real! Everyone struggles with different things in their lives. People will go through difficult times due to their circumstances in life. Sometimes, our struggles overwhelm us and we lose hope. When there is no hope, people become desperate or they just want to give up on hope and life. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. There is hope! I know the struggle is realbut Read More…

3 Keys for Being Successful!


Difficult times, overwhelming circumstances, and struggles! We all have them and if you are anything like me, your world seems to be turned upside down. During these times a couple things add pressure to the situation. These two things are discouragement and the fear of failure. However, the truth is, I should Read More…

Ignite Your Influence!


“Everyone is a leader because everyone influences someone.” John C. Maxwell.

This is one of my favorite all time quotes due to the truth that is behind it. Several years back I was in a Bible study and the topic of influence came up and I quoted Maxwell’s statement about how everyone influences someone. However, I added to what he said. I said, “Everyone influences someone and you either influence them for the good or for the bad. There is someone watching you weather you realize it or not.” Now, I don’t remember if I had read that somewhere or if I heard someone else say that, but it doesn’t really matter. The truth is, what I said was true. I have people who are watching me, even when don’t know they are watching me. The way I live my life influences Read More…

Memory Lane… 9 Years Ago Today!


This morning I took a little trip down memory lane after looking at the “On this day” post on my Facebook. Sometimes it is a joy to look back at the pictures and post from years before. They are a reminder of what has gone on in my life over the years. As I strolled down memory lane, I began to think back on the years in my life beyond the Facebook. That is when I stopped in 2006 and the memories came flooding in. Boy there was a lot of things going on in my life that Read More…

A Father’s Day Lesson: Love


I have read enough men’s ministry books and been to several men’s retreats to know one thing: men have a hard time showing and expressing love. Not only have I read about this issue from books and heard it from men’s conference speakers, I have had men sit in my office and tell me the same thing. They have sat across from me and told me how they have trouble telling and showing those who are the closest to them that they love them. I guess it’s a man thing. Countless men have this issue. I have often questioned why? Read More…

Sowing • Watering • Reaping: It Takes More than One!

Takes More Than One

The Greatest Words This Daddy Could Hear!
It’s been along few weeks with work, ministry and family. I was tried. It was a Monday night shortly after 10:30 pm and I was ready for bed. The girls were still up watching TV due to the fact that its summer break. I had given the girls their good night hugs and kisses and told them that I loved them then I crawled into bed. I was just about to close my eyes when I heard my oldest daughter, Caitlyn, say, “Daddy” as she walked into our bedroom. Honestly, I wasn’t happy about this interruption. I wanted to tell her that whatever she wanted it could wait till tomorrow since I had to get up early for work. However, I didn’t. I rolled over and said to her: “What is it baby girl?” That is when I heard Caitlyn say: “I want to become a Christian.” Read More…

No Fear?

no fear

The Lie
Back in the early to mid-90’s there was a clothing brand that came out that seemed to take the world by storm for a little while. The clothing brand was called No Fear (logo pictured above). The No Fear brand was related to extreme sports and the idea that those who wore the logo had “No Fear”. Everyone was wearing their shirts with these two words were printed on each shirt. The answer is yes, Read More…

7 Reasons for Daddy’s to Date their Daughters



DADS, take your daughters on dates!

After a post was made by my friend, I got to thinking about my daughters and I wanted to share something with you dad’s out there that is on my hearts. A few weeks ago I was at the high school visiting some of the youth from CHAOS (our youth ministry) and made the comment about taking Caity, my daughter who is 5, on a date.  When I told them this, one of the girls looked up surprisingly and said: “Wow! My dad has never taken me on a date.” The look on her face was one of Read More…